Pledging of talents, time and treasure

Stewardship is taking care of something that belongs to someone else. Christians recognize that everything belongs to God: we are trusted by God to take care of all of creation. To help us think about managing everything, we speak of God's gifts in three ways: talent, time and treasure.

To download the Parish Pledge Form, click here.


Euro (€) Financial Support

If you'd like to support the ministry of All Saints' you can do so via bank transfer to our KBC account. Please note in the memo if you would like to contribute towards a particular ministry (i.e. Youth, Outreach, etc.).

All Saints' Church
IBAN: BE37 7340 2265 1428

If you would like to contribute towards our building fund, you can also do so via bank transfer to the above account, 
noting in the memo ‘building fund’.

What is Stewardship?

Stewardship is taking care of something that belongs to someone else. Christians recognize that everything belongs to God: we are trusted by God to take care of all of creation. To help us think about managing everything, we speak of God’s gifts in three ways: talent, time, and treasure.

What is a Pledge?

A Pledge is a statement that you intend to do something: in this case, to give back to God a portion of what God has given you. When you turn in a pledge, the information about your Talent Pledge is passed on to the convener(s) of the appropriate groups, so they can contact you about your involvement. The information about your financial pledge goes to the Treasurer. The Vestry is informed about the total amount pledged by the whole parish.

How do I decide what to give?

Scripture says we are to give sacrificially. It says we are to offer God a tenth of all God gives us. This 10% is called a tithe. The tithe is our aim. (Example: if your income is €30,000 per year, a tithe is €3,000 per year). But, if you can’t tithe now, give a reasoned proportion of what you have. Some people give “the equivalent of their vices” or as much time as they spend watching tv or as much money as they spend on entertainment. What you base it on is not as much the issue as that it represents some thing of real meaning to you.

I also give in other places. Does that count?

Many people offer something called the ‘modern tithe’– 5% to God through the church, 5% to God’s kingdom through causes such as medical research. Remember that your gift to God through All Saints’ is also passed on to ministries beyond the parish, as the parish budget includes various kinds of mission, service and outreach, including through the commitments of the Convocation and Anglican Council of Belgium to the wider world. This applies to giving time and talent as well as treasure.

How can I be sure what I give is used wisely?

All people at All Saints’ are encouraged to be part of the decision-making process by being part of committees. The Vestry (elected representatives of the parish) makes a prayerful budget and spending decisions based on input from these groups. The parish budget and finance statements are available to all parish members, and the budget is presented and explained to the whole parish at the Annual General Meeting. The budget is determined by Vestry. All Vestry meetings are open to all parish members. A summary of the concerns and actions of the monthly meetings is available as a download from this website.

Who will know what my pledge is?

Pledges are kept confidential by the church Treasurer. Only you, your family if you decide together, and God know the circumstances of your life that determine your pledge.

If your questions are not answered here, please speak with the Treasurer, a member of the clergy or a member of the Vestry.