Pledging of talents, time and treasure
Stewardship is taking care of something that belongs to someone else. Christians recognize that everything belongs to God: we are trusted by God to take care of all of creation. To help us think about managing everything, we speak of God's gifts in three ways: talent, time and treasure.
To download the Parish Pledge Form, click here.
Euro (€) Financial Support
If you'd like to support the ministry of All Saints' you can do so via bank transfer to our KBC account. Please note in the memo if you would like to contribute towards a particular ministry (i.e. Youth, Outreach, etc.).
All Saints' Church
IBAN: BE37 7340 2265 1428
If you would like to contribute towards our building fund, you can also do so via bank transfer to the above account,
noting in the memo ‘building fund’.
If your questions are not answered here, please speak with the Treasurer, a member of the clergy or a member of the Vestry.